Location and Directions
Located at 9844 Water Street (Hwy 42), Bay Breeze Resort is centrally-located and within walking distance of historic downtown Ephraim.
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From Chicago, Milwaukee and South to:
Bay Breeze Resort to 9844 Water Street Ephraim, WI 54211
- Take interstate 43 North to Green Bay.
- Then take the highway 54-57 north/Sturgeon Bay exit.
- Highway 57 combines with highway 42 north.
- Stay on highway 42-57 through Sturgeon Bay. Then highway 42 and 57 splits by “The Mill Supper Club”. Stay on highway 42 north through Egg Harbor and Fish Creek to Ephraim.
- When you get to Ephraim you will go down a hill just after the Peninsula State Park golf course. We will be the first hotel at the bottom of the hill. We are on the right hand side.
From Minneapolis and West to:
Bay Breeze Resort 9844 Water Street Ephraim, WI 54211
- Take interstate 94 east to the Chippewa Falls area.
- Then take Wisconsin highway 29 east to Green Bay.
- Take U.S. highway 41 north to the interstate 43 south exit.
- Then take the highway 54-57 north/Sturgeon Bay exit.
- Highway 57 combines with highway 42 north.
- Stay on highway 42-57 through Sturgeon Bay. Then highway 42 and 57 splits by “The Mill Supper Club”. Stay on highway 42 north through Egg Harbor and Fish Creek to Ephraim.
- When you get to Ephraim you will go down a hill just after the Peninsula State Park golf course. We will be the first hotel at the bottom of the hill. We are on the right hand side.